Check the Bed Bug Registry Before Your Next Trip

Hi Everyone, We here at ZappBug want to remind you to check the bed bug registry before you stay in a hotel. Soon, the site will even give users the ability to report bed bug infestations on cruise ships. Allegations of misuse have made the bed bug registry controversial in recent months. Some business owners are saying that their competitors have falsely reported bedbugs to drive potential customers away. These are troubling allegations and the registry is doing its best to confront them. Land owners and proprietors have to opportunity to present their side of the story and prove that accusations are false. In one instance, a spiteful tenant in Brooklyn (who was apparently evicted) reported bed bugs in his apartment. He also reported that the landlord had been notified but refused to do anything to combat the bed bug problem. In a well written reply, the landlord claims that the tenant who made the claim was evicted and that the notice on the bed bug registry is causing issues with new tenants. The landlord promises "certified and notorized reports" claiming that the property is free of bed bugs to anyone who is interested. Like anything, the bed bug registry is not perfect but it's a great place to start when you are traveling or looking for a new p[lace to live. Bed bug infestations are a horrible experience and anything you can do to minimize your risk is worth while. Check it out: -The ZappBug Team